
A new realm of ImPossibilities will emerge soon.

We (Pataform) invited the Vienna based “Institute of Design Research Vienna (IDRV)” to hold their 5th Circle concerning “How to live - The Art of Sustainable Living” in the Space of Malzgasse12a.

They even have a iTunesU Channel! Check it out!


As part of the exhibition “Tools for the Design Revolution”, we presented opportunities for assessing and improving products in terms of their social and environmental sustainability. Central to this was the “world formula”, which results from dividing the world’s available key resources by the world population.
For us as design researchers, the next logical step is to ask: how should our way of life be designed based on the aforementioned equation?! The alternatives should not be escapism or exit scenarios, but rather viable cultural approaches for a sustainable form of society, integrating many existing initiatives and ideas and thinking ahead.
This reorientation of values ​​will be focused on such questions as: Which new qualities will take shape? How does art reflect the interaction of climate change and society? Which options will be sketched out here? What does it take to get away from the sacrifice debate? What might signals of optimism for a culture of sustainability look like?

Christoph Breuer, KAIROS Impact Research and Development gGmbH, Bregenz
Nunu Kaller, blogger, self-experiment “A Year Without Buying Clothes,” environmental activist, Vienna
Maren Richter, curator and art critic, Linz
Moderated by Harald Gründl, design theorist and director of the IDRV; designer (EOOS), Vienna.

Heute Abend: Institute Of Design Research Vienna zu Gast bei Pataform in der Malzgasse12a

Preview on an “4x4 Omnigraphy” shown during our Exhibition “n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”
Vorschau auf eine “4x4 Omnigraphie” welche während unserer “n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden” Ausstellung gezeigt wird

Preview on an “4x4 Omnigraphy” shown during our Exhibition “n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”

Vorschau auf eine “4x4 Omnigraphie” welche während unserer “n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden” Ausstellung gezeigt wird

Computed with R
Gerechnet mit R

Today, we spent some 1000km on the road and fetched some important pieces of art for our exhibition

“n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”
“n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden”
@ eyes on website

“n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”
“n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden”

@ eyes on website

“n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden”
Exhibition Space:
“n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”


“n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden”

Exhibition Space:

“n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”

Catalogue Text: “n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”
In 1941, Borges encountered the sentence “O Time, Your Pyramids” in the permutated white noise of the letters in his Babylonian
library. Suddenly, amid the potential abyss of sheer...

Catalogue Text: “n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”

In 1941, Borges encountered the sentence “O Time, Your Pyramids” in the permutated white noise of the letters in his Babylonian
library. Suddenly, amid the potential abyss of sheer impossibilities, he found himself facing a magical hope - the utopian vision of omnigraphy.
This same hope is what has propelled the ’pataphysician of the past and present who have set out to discover solid ground to explore in the ocean of pure fantasy.

At around the same time, in New York, the cryptologist C. E. Shannon presented sentences in a language that vaguely resembled English, distilled from the pure code of cybernetics- the digital logic of the computer. And before the latter, thirty years on, came to define the present era, the Oulipiens banded together in Paris;
using poetic combinatorics - McLuhanlike divorced from all content - they sought to explore Potential Literature. The most prominent artifact:
Queneau’s permutative opus 1014 Poems, which consists of ten sonnets - imagination in a grid à la Compression-Artifact.

Five decades have passed, and the word has become image. Light, as in Inge Dick’s zinnober, is now a numerically quantifiable parameter;
the negative, an operable image database. In accurate montage but far removed from common serialism, its reproductive potential generates an epistemic gaze at imaginary objects: the sculptural database RaumTischBankHocker (RoomTableBenchStool) opens up a perspective on the concept of “scale,” just
as the TimeScans, with their true and yet impossible pictures, visualize time.

(Marek Bozuk)

Katalogtext: “n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden”
Als Borges 1941 im permutierten Rauschen der Buchstaben seiner babylonischen Bibliothek den Satz „O Zeit, deine Pyramiden“
fand, sah er sich plötzlich einer magischen Hoffnung inmitten des...

Katalogtext: “n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden”

Als Borges 1941 im permutierten Rauschen der Buchstaben seiner babylonischen Bibliothek den Satz „O Zeit, deine Pyramiden“
fand, sah er sich plötzlich einer magischen Hoffnung inmitten des potentiellen Abgrunds schierer Unmöglichkeiten gegenüber – der Utopie der Omnigrafie. Eben diese Hoffnung treibt jene ‘Pataphysiker_innen an, die aufbrachen und -brechen, um einen begehbaren Kontinent im Ozean reiner Phantasie zu entdecken.

Ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit präsentierte der Kryptologe C. E. Shannon in New York Sätze in einer wie Englisch anmutenden Sprache, destilliert aus dem reinen Code der Kybernetik – der digitalen Logik des Computers. Und bevor dieser 30 Jahre später zum Symbol der gegenwärtigen Epoche wurde, schlossen sich die Oulipiens in Paris zusammen, um mit poetischer Kombinatorik – mcluhanös losgelöst von allen Inhalten – die Potentielle Literatur zu ergründen. Prominentestes Artefakt: Queneaus Permutations-Opus 1014 Gedichte bestehend aus zehn Sonetten –
Phantasie im Raster à la Kompressions-Artefakt.

Mittlerweile sind 50 Jahre vergangen, aus Wort wurde Bild. Licht, wie in Inge Dicks
zinnober, ist eine numerische Messgröße geworden; und das Negativ eine operable
Bilddatenbank. Deren reproduktionale Potentialität erzeugt in akkurater Montage, fernab gemeiner Serialität, einen epistemischen Blick auf imaginäre Gegenstände: die skulpturale Datenbank RaumTischBankHocker legt die Sicht auf den Begriff „Maßstab“ frei, wie auch die TimeScans mit ihren wahren und doch unmöglichen Bildern die Zeit zeigen.

(Marek Bozuk)

“n^Billions Photographs | O Time, Your Pyramids”
“n^Milliarden Photos | O Zeit, deine Pyramiden”

Pataform has curated its first “Pataformal Research Exhibition”

PATAFORM (R. Bodnar, M. Bozuk)

Invited Artists:
Raymond Queneau
Inge Dick
Sira-zoè Schmid
Robert Bodnar
Marek Bozuk
Pataform (A. Meiksner, M. Bozuk, R. Bodnar)

Exhibition Data:

Venue: Malzgasse 12a, 1020 Wien

Exhibition: 10. – 23.Nov 2012 - Mo–Th 18–21h, Fr 18–23h, Sa, So 14–23h

No Entrance Fee

Host: VEFAM12, ZVR: 957280259

Today, we started the reconstruction of “malzgasse12a”.
This will be a new - vienna(austria) based - site for architecture, art, and related research. It will house our institute (institute for pataformal research) and we are working hard to...

Today, we started the reconstruction of “malzgasse12a”.

This will be a new - vienna(austria) based - site for architecture, art, and related research. It will house our institute (institute for pataformal research) and we are working hard to redevelop and reconstruct our space accordingly.
approximately in spring 2012, we will make it happen and hopefully open our doors…